Monday, March 24, 2008

Conservative gloats over prison rape.

What a bunch of losers. The male (?) will be really popular in the cellblock. Here's hoping that's where they end up.


So far I've seen wingnuts who want to deport liberals, place them in concentration camps, run over them with trucks and now we see one licking his lips over the prospect of a liberal in a "rape room". And that's just on Digg this month with a handful of them.

Justice and reparations.

It is not enough to withdraw from Iraq. Certainly, that must be done immediately and completely. But justice must be served.

I believe it is only good and proper to confiscate the assets of the Bush family, the Cheney family, the families of all high ranking officials in the Bush executive such as Feith, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld etc., and also entire corporations such as Hallibuton, Blackwater, KBR, and the families of every registered member of the RNC. *

Confiscate their assets, create a fund through the United Nations, and use that money for the reconstruction of Iraq and to compensate victims and survivors. That is a course of action that benefits only innocent victims and punishes only the guilty.

That is justice.

* further guilty parties to be named in the course of the coming war crimes trials

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Threats of violence against liberals continue.

Damn shame some 18 wheeler didn't come down the street at about 40 mph . . . .

Instead of a night of broken glass, expect a night of squealing tires.

Or maybe tanks.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sexual anxiety on parade.

As the regulars at Little Green Footballs respond to Obama's speech, we see the usual sexual anxieties about black men rise to the surface.

"Long legged mac daddy"? All this post is missing is an animated gif of Obama in a big feathered pimp hat.

Obama reminds this one of an abusive boyfriend. Because you know how those black men treats they womens.

Ah, castration, the final solution to the uppity nigra.

Yes, quite interesting indeed.

Aw jeez fellas, this is too easy. I'm speechless.

Update: oh good god, they're even pulling out the watermelons. What are the odds someone will call Obama's children pickaninnies?

Liberals are the new Jews.

So not only does Varchild think that liberals should be placed in concentration camps, his LGF bud hitcharide defends him by saying he was being sarcastic. Hitcharide claims that he himself "only" wants liberals to be deported to a communist country.

Me, I'd buy all the liberals and leftists a one way ticket to the communist country of their choice, seeing how unhappy they are here and how much they idolize venezuela and cuba.

Oh, we get to choose which Commie country, dude? I hear France has awesome wines.

Maybe you should make democrats wear a blue star so that businesses and government agencies can refuse them service or assign them a lower priority. Make 'em easier to round up later, too.

My prediction: before the end of this election cycle, one or more McCain supporters will murder one or more Obama supporters over political disagreements. And the right wing blogosphere will cluck its collective tongue, lamenting that those awful liberals forced conservatives into taking such decisive action for the good of the Fatherland. Just like the perfidious Jew forced the hand of good German volk.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A palate cleanser

A bit of song from one of the great American patriots. A few things you may not know about this song.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Liberal = Jew hating?!

Remember our pal Varchild who calls for liberals to be placed in concentration camps?

Conservatives don't go around hating Jews. Conservatives treat everyone equally and with honor and respect. So by default and common sense this isn't a "conservative" thing. It's a jew hating thing. And in my lexicon that means it's liberal. Actually my lexicon pretty much places absolutely every HUMAN SIN in the book as liberal.

No, he really posted that. Really.

I don't know how liberal Jews fit into his worldview. Does being Jewish exempt them from his concentration camp for liberals?